The Bee Observatory
The Bee Observatory is our resident bee education and conservation project. Unlike traditional bee-keeping which focuses on taking honey from bees, this project is focused on education through observing bees in natural conditions. Volunteers are creating new bee habitats on the farm, and regular open days allow visitors to get up close with the bees and learn about their amazing ways. Keep an eye on our events page for more info. Formerly a tenant in their own right, in 2023 the Oakbrook team agreed to bring The Bee Observatory in house and incorporate it as an integral part of the farm.
The best way to get involved with the Bee Observatory is to come along to one of our monthly volunteering sessions, or join or holistic bee keeping course in 2024. All details on our events page.
We are planning to build up our bee colonies with a mix of managed and wild hives. We want to develop a natural beekeeping hub for beekeepers in Stroud.
Currently, we have a mix of top bar hives, log hives, and bespoke hexagonal hives. The Bee Observatory is located at the centre of the farm, where hives are protected by vegetation and have an abundance nectar and pollen from Spring to Summer.
Our Bee Observation Workshops
Starting 3rd Feb we will be commencing a series of monthly workshops designed by our resident apiarist Christian Gruetzmacher who has 18 years experience in holistic bee keeping. He facilitates individuals and groups in developing their own genuine relationship to the insect world and honey bees.
During these 6 initial sessions we will cover wholistic bee biology, allowing us to understand honey bee colonies as a whole, their connection with the rest of the environment as well as their yearly cycles and internal organisation.
We will look at 25,000 years of documented apiculture and the spiritual, cultural and practical traditions of how people around the world relate to the honey bee.
Comparing the various modern conventional and alternative hive designs in relation to our local environment and our individual aims participants will be enabled to make an informed choice about their own way of relating to and working with bees.
This course is suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. It is open to anyone with an interest with bees whether you are looking for artistic inspiration, environmental activism, sustainable bee keeping or simply wanting to learn about bees.
Suggested donation of £10-£15 per session but please attend for free if finances are a barrier.
Sessions will be held in the Oakbrook Barn Garden room close by our Bee Observatory where we can observe undisturbed honey bee colonies throughout the season with out any need for protective clothing.
The dates are Saturdays 3rd Feb, 2nd March, 6th April, 4th May, 1st June and 6th July from 2-3pm.
Those wishing to volunteer practically on our bee garden are welcome to join the earlier volunteering sessions from 11am-2pm on the same dates before joining the workshop.