Our Share Offer

The Share Offer Remains Open!

Thank you to all our new 100+ members and supporters. Together, we raised more than £120,000.

The Share Offer remains open! Please spread the news online and via social media!

The documents, simply click the buttons below:

  1. The Share Offer Text, for your information to read
  2. The Farm Map, for your information
  3. A separate Share Application Form for printing, filling out and sending to us by post or electronically ,

a Nominee Appointment form is included that you may or may not add to the application

4 A separate Gift Aid Form for printing, filling out and sending


Email to: admin@oakbrookfarm.org.uk

Oakbrook Community Farm CBS Limited

Trading as Oakbrook Community Farm

Address: Painswick Od Road, Stroud, GL6 7QN, Gloucestershire, UK

Bank details: Triodos Bank, Sort Code: 16-58-10, Account: 21133972

Company Number RS008100, FCA Reg Nr: 8100, Charitable Company Nr. ZD06244, VAT Reg. Nr. 351795183

For all queries please contact Secretary Leigh Coghill on 07982236653 or email admin@oakbrookfarm.org.uk

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