Updated June 2023
We will do our best to ensure the health and safety of everyone who works, volunteers, or spends time at Oakbrook Community Farm.
To support this, we will:
- Complete and review appropriate risk assessments and policies to consider any necessary actions.
- Provide information for visiting members of the public.
- Collaborate with our tenants to ensure they are considering their own Health and Safety.
- Put measures in place to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
Health and safety is viewed as “everyone’s business,” and the participation of all members of the farm community is needed to achieve a high standard of health and safety.
This policy will be revised annually or when needed if sooner. This policy will be publicized and available to third parties on request.
Date of policy: 31/03/2023
Date of review: 31/03/2024
Organisation and Responsibilities
The responsibility for health and safety rests with everyone, from the directors through to each member of staff.
Overall responsibility for health and safety within our business is that of:
- The OCBS Board of Directors, presently:
- Leigh Coghill
- Sarah Fotheringham
- David Lambert
- Lucas Schoemaker
Workers have legal duties under the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. In particular, they must:
- Co-operate with management on health and safety matters.
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
- Co-operate, so far as is necessary, to enable any duty or requirement imposed on the business by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to be performed or complied with.
- Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health, safety, or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.
Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to both disciplinary action being taken by the business and prosecution by the Enforcing Authority.
Risk Assessments
OCBS will carry out and hold risk assessments for:
- Our land and buildings
- Our events
- Our volunteer activities
We will renew these either on a yearly basis or when needed if sooner. We will carry out any actions that are needed following a risk assessment.
Lone Working
There are inherent risks when we work alone, and we seek to remedy this through our value of collaboration.
Where lone working is necessary, we will seek to have full and thorough communication with our team to ensure that well-being is protected and take action where necessary.
Only volunteers who are known to be competent will be permitted to work alone, and only on specific tasks.
Consultation and Communication
We have a duty to consult with workers either directly or through elected representatives on matters relating to health and safety.
We encourage farm users to come forward about health and safety concerns, and no action will be taken against anyone who raises a health and safety concern.
Fire Safety
We have a duty to protect workers, contractors, tenants, visitors, and members of the public from the risk of fire within the premises.
We will carry out fire risk assessments as needed and put in place actions to prevent or control fires.
We will have an emergency fire procedure, and we will train our workers and volunteers about what to do in the event of a fire (e.g., how to raise the alarm, evacuation procedures, use of firefighting equipment, etc.).
The emergency evacuation procedures will be tested at least annually.
Fire extinguishers are maintained by a competent contractor on an annual contract.
Fire alarms are tested on a weekly basis, and any emergency lighting checked on a monthly basis. These checks are recorded.
Emergency Procedures
We will have procedures to deal with emergencies such as fire, flood, robbery, or violence to workers, etc. These procedures must incorporate the method(s) of signaling, evacuation procedure, and the person(s) responsible.
We will produce an Emergency Procedure for potential major incidents. We will make workers aware of these and test the procedures periodically.
First Aid
We will provide suitable first-aid materials and qualified First Aiders. It is important that all injuries, however slight, are properly attended to. The first aider or the most senior member of staff present is responsible for calling an ambulance when required. If in doubt, one should be called.
First Aid supplies are located around the site and in each vehicle working away from the main site. We will ensure that first aid boxes are regularly stocked with approved first aid materials. All accidents will be recorded in the Accident Book, which is kept [insert location].
No smoking, including e-cigarettes, is permitted inside the buildings or work vehicles. Smokers must make sure that all material is properly extinguished.
We will hire competent contractors to undertake work for us safely and ensure that they take adequate health and safety precautions.
We will ensure that work areas do not present a risk to visitors.
We will make clear which areas are not accessible to visitors.
Any unauthorized persons in work areas must be challenged and reported to the Directors.
Where necessary, we will ensure that our workers and volunteers have adequate training before carrying out potentially dangerous or difficult activities.
Work Equipment
We will make sure that any equipment we have on site is in good working order.
Electrical Safety
All electrical work will be carried out by a qualified electrician.
We will ensure all appliances are in good working order and are tested where necessary.
We will map our underground power cables and share this information when necessary with relevant workers or contractors.
Work at Height
We will only work at height when necessary. We will never allow lone-working at height. Anyone working at height must be suitably competent, and all equipment must be in good working order.
Storage, Maintenance, and Construction
Our farm will be maintained in a safe condition. We will do regular walkabouts to monitor the farm’s condition and take any actions needed to make it safe.
We will store our materials and tools safely and securely.
Repairs and maintenance will only be carried out by competent workers, volunteers, or contractors.
Tree Management
We will have regular audits by a qualified tree inspector and we will take the recommended actions.
We will inspect the site for damaged or dangerous trees periodically, and always after periods of extreme weather.
Cleanliness and Waste
We will maintain the farm in a safe and clean condition.
All waste, particularly combustible waste, will be regularly disposed of and not allowed to accumulate.
Workers will clean up spills immediately and report any spillages of dangerous materials which may affect workers, visitors, and members of the public or the environment to the Directors immediately.
Welfare Facilities
We will provide the best possible rest, toilet, and washing facilities.
We have a duty to ensure that adequate rest areas, toilet, and wash facilities are provided.
Protective Equipment
We will provide PPE to our workers and volunteers where needed and ensure that it is in clean working condition.
Safety Signage
We will ensure that sufficient, clear, and unambiguous warning signs are provided at strategic locations to warn people of danger.
We will monitor farm signage during our regular walkabouts.
All members of the Oakbrook Land User Group should sign below to record that they have been made aware of the organization and arrangements for health and safety, as detailed in the Health and Safety Policy, and will comply with the requirements outlined.
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